If you need to perform any dental treatment in Plymouth, or you are merely looking for a dentist in Devon for your routine consultation, make an appointment at SmileCare Plymouth Dental Clinic. You will be interested to know what the first consultation consists of. The specialists will evaluate your case to provide you with the best service and treatment you want, so we offer you facilities at the time of payment. We will inform you in detail about all our advantages, and you can ask us your questions about any service.
ICO Registration Number: Z284176X
Please call the practice before arriving to enquire about disability access.
Dental Access Centre: 01752 434664 – call during the week after 6 PM,
Devon Doctors: 03330 063300 – call on Friday after 6 PM or during the weekend, in emergency call Derriford hospital A&E dept: 01752 439884.
Click here to read our Complaints Procedure.
Click here to see our Complaints Policy Flowchart.
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Please contact us via this website or email without disclosing confidential information.
Smile Care Cosmetic Centre
130 North Hill, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8LA
Call us: 01752 663239
Email: [email protected]
Monday and Wednesday 8.30 AM to 6.00 PM
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8.30 AM to 4.00 PM