Clear Braces

Clear Braces
in Plymouth

Smile Care Cosmetic Centre £
130 North Hill Plymouth Devon PL4 8LA UK
01752 663239 Smile Care Cosmetic Centre

"Beautiful results. Rafal was very good at explaining different treatment options and understanding what I wanted to achieve. I would recommend smile care to anyone considering clear braces or composite bonding."

SmileCare Plymouth Transparent, removable and comfortable clear braces

Braces improve your smile by gently pushing teeth into their correct alignment and clear braces have revolutionised teeth straightening so you can smile more during treatment as well as afterwards.

Correctly aligned teeth can resolve issues such as gum disease, headaches, facial and jaw pain because many of these issues arise because it is more difficult to clean misaligned teeth.

SmileCare Plymouth Transparent, removable and comfortable clear braces
SmileCare Plymouth Transparent, removable and comfortable clear braces
Do you know SmileCare in Plymouth has clear dental braces?

It is a revolutionary method to perform orthodontic treatments without the need to place braces. It works with a series of custom-made, transparent and removable aligners. This makes the procedure much more comfortable.

With invisible braces, you can get the smile you want without anyone noticing that you are wearing braces.

Thanks to virtual simulation software for orthodontic treatment, patients who choose this type of orthodontics can see the final result of the treatment before starting it. This allows you to observe the different phases of the treatment and the movements of your teeth in each of them.

Also, thanks to the use of an intraoral scanner, we offer you a greater guarantee of precision in your treatment. The purpose of the intraoral scanner is it allows you to digitally recreate the situation of your mouth at the beginning and end of your treatment.

In this way, you can see the situation of your mouth, while our dentist with special interest, Dr Rafal Topolski, explains the needs of your treatment.

For this reason, the aligners are made to measure for each patient and changed every two weeks.


Did you know you can apply for finance* to help you spread the cost of your dental treatment?

Chrysalis Finance
In short, why choose clear braces?

In some cases, we can straighten crooked teeth in just two visits. Call 01752 663 239 or email [email protected] to arrange an appointment and find out which solution is best suited to your budget and timescale.

If you want to wear a revolutionary orthodontic system, call SmileCare Plymouth today. We offer a range of popular clear brace solutions including:


Clear Braces are designed to have minimal disruption to everyday life. The clear braces used are not bulky and will have minimal disruption to your appearance. Some patients have said that they went through treatment without anyone noticing.

Unlike traditional orthodontic braces, consisting of wires and brackets, you are able to eat most things during treatment. Naturally your teeth may be a little sensitive during treatment, so we recommend you avoid eating “hard” materials. You will remove your clear braces when it comes to eating, so you will be to consume your favourite foods or drinks. Good oral hygiene is key and we recommend you brush and floss your teeth after each meal before re-inserting your aligner.

You need to wear your aligners (clear braces) at all times during treatment apart from when eating, brushing or flossing teeth. The more you wear them the treatment quicker the treatment can take to complete. We recognise that you will want to remove them for special occasions or important meetings, but they should be replaced as soon as practicably possible.

Some patients may experience temporary, minor discomfort for the first few days at the beginning of each new stage of the treatment. This is completely normal for all orthodontic treatment and is actually a sign that the clear braces are working. As your teeth gradually move, any slight discomfort typically goes after a few days. On rare occasions, patients may resort to an over the counter painkiller such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Always read the patient information leaflet that comes with your medicine and if you have any questions, ask your pharmacist for advice.

In some cases, we can straighten crooked teeth in just two visits. Call 01752 663 239 or email [email protected] to arrange an appointment and find out which solution is best suited to your budget and timescale.

No one will know you wear clear braces

Clear braces are splints made to the exact measurements of your mouth that, being practically invisible, nobody will notice that you wear them. They have nothing to do with ceramic brackets that try to mimic the colour of your teeth enamel, much less with metal brackets, considered the least aesthetic among orthodontic systems. With transparent aligners, you can smile, talk, eat … and all this without anyone noticing that at the same time you are correcting your smile!

Here Is What Our Clients Have To Say!

Smile Care Cosmetic Centre
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Smile Care Cosmetic Centre

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Smile Care Cosmetic Centre
130 North Hill, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8LA


Call us: 01752 663239
Email: [email protected]

Opening Hours

Monday and Wednesday 8.30 AM to 6.00 PM
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8.30 AM to 4.00 PM

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