When is a re-endodontia necessary?

Sometimes when a medical or dental act is carried out, even if a good prognosis is established, it will not always be correct. a tooth has a percentage of not healing with the desired expectations, which occurs more frequently when the treatment performed is a root canal treatment, which is commonly called killing the nerve, this canal treatment can fail due to a number of causes, among the most common:

  • Canals that have not been treated, when performing endodontics due to ignorance of the anatomy.
  • Ducts that present great curvature.
  • When the placement of the crown (cap) or restoration that is placed after root canal treatment has taken a long time to perform.
  • That there is caries again in the treated piece, exposing the canal to be re-infected with bacteria.
  • A fractured crown (cap) or filling are also causes of reinfection of the treated tooth.
  • A tooth that has suffered a fracture.

The symptoms of an endodontic tooth that needs retreatment is very different, so it must be taken into account various aspects that will help the specialist to decide, the clinical and radiographic evaluation will be fundamental pillars. If there is inflammation or infection or pain, the treatment will undoubtedly be re-endodontia, although if the tooth in question does not present pain, you can have an expectant conduct of controls to see if the pain remits. The tooth will need a prosthetic restoration phase before we must ensure that the tooth does not present any symptoms of doubt of pain or suspicion of reinfection.

The objective of performing a dental re-endodontics is to try to improve the previous endodontic treatment that for different reasons has failed, first the endodontic specialist will make an analysis of the treatment options if it is decided to perform the re-endodontics, the specialist must remove the material that was used to fill the canal where the nerve was housed, he will proceed to clean this canal or canal and exhaustively examine the internal part of the tooth with the use of magnification and illumination, to find accessory channels that may have produced this new infection, and to assess the state of the conduit itself.

Re-endodontic treatment can be of different types:

  • Single root when a tooth is made which only has one root and therefore only one canal where the nerve is housed.
  • Biradicular when it is carried out in a tooth which has two roots and therefore two canals where they house nerves.
  • Multiradicular when performed on a tooth which has several roots and therefore several canals that house several canals.

After cleaning the canals, if the canals or canals are very narrow or blocked for any reason, the specialist endodontist may recommend endodontic surgery which involves making an incision through which the end of the root is reached. .

Once the endodontist specialist has finished the treatment the patient should return to the consultation with the general dentist in order to place a new crown (cap) as soon as possible or another type of restoration in the piece that has been treated in order to restore, protect and return the function of the tooth completely.

At Smile Care Plymouth our specialist will make the best diagnosis and offer the different treatment alternatives, to solve the possible reinfection that has occurred in the tooth with the presence of signs and symptoms after the endodontic treatment, which had already been carried out.



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