How to take care of your Invisalign in Plymouth


Invisalign in Plymouth is a fantastic form of teeth straightening and we at Smile Care Cosmetic Centre are so pleased you’ve decided to partner with us in the quest for straighter teeth. We love Invisalign and all the amazing benefits it offers our patients and for this reason we want to make sure you get the most out of the experience too by keeping up to scratch with caring for your aligners during the time you have them. So, here’s top tips for caring for your Invisalign in Plymouth.


Cleaning your trays is so important if you’re going to keep them in good crystal clear condition in the future. The trays must be cleaned every day using a soft bristled brush and colour free toothpaste or non abrasive soap. You need to brush along the inside and outside of the aligner tray, but without using too much pressure, as this could cause damage to the surface of them or even crack them.

The aligners can very quickly become a hotbed for germs and bacteria to grow and multiply on, and that’s really not something you want to be putting into your mouth every day. Bacteria and germs left on the surface of your aligners can really easily transfer on to your teeth and gums and encourage infections to develop. Best take our advice and get cleaning.

Oral hygiene

Oral hygiene is very important during any stage of life, but it’s super important when you’re starting out on your Invisalign journey. Cleaning your teeth is the only way of removing the bacteria that lead to gum disease and decay and it’s a well known fact within the dental world that those setting out on orthodontic treatments are at a higher risk of developing both of these due to a lack of oral hygiene. To avoid this and keep your teeth and gums healthy you should be brushing twice daily for at least two minutes, before bed and after breakfast are the ideal times, and flossing every evening.

Investments that make a difference

If you’re looking to take the maintenance of your aligners to the next level then we highly recommend investing in a couple of key tools to take you there.

The first being a cleaning solution or some cleaning crystals. This can be as basic as just a denture solution all the way up to the branded Invisalign in Plymouth cleaning crystals. Whatever is available and affordable for you is good with us. These products just give back a super level of sparkly clarity to the tray that isn’t possible through cleaning alone. Through the use of these you’ll be enabling the situation that your aligners remain invisible throughout treatment.

The second top tip investment would be a couple of extra hard shell cases and a travel cleaning kit for your teeth and aligners. This just makes sure you’re always able to keep your aligners safe, but also that you’re able to clean your teeth anywhere any time, that way you’re not only protecting the aligners but also your teeth.