What is the cross bite?

The term malocclusion is used in dentistry to define an alteration in the alignment of the teeth making a good occlusion (fitting) of the teeth of the upper arch with the teeth of the lower arch impossible. Malocclusion can be classified according to the sagittal plane, the transverse plane, and the vertical plane. An example of a malocclusion would be the crossbite. Next, we explain what the crossbite is.

Malocclusion triggers an alteration in the functionality and aesthetics of our teeth. Around 90% of the population has some type of malocclusion.

At Smile Care Plymouth, ​​our orthodontists are in charge of analyzing and studying each fall in detail in order to correct the malocclusion individually and thus also be able to improve the aesthetics and smile of our patients.

Among the different malocclusions that exist, the one that is observed most frequently is the so-called crossbite, having a greater incidence in the primary dentition, in the orthodontic treatments carried out at Smile Care Plymouth the correction of crossbites is the most habitual.


To know what is the cross bite say that this is a type of malocclusion in which there is an incorrect relationship between the upper jaw and the mandible with each other.

In a normal bite, the teeth of the upper arch protrude in front (anterior teeth) or outside (posterior teeth) of the teeth of the lower arch, while, in a cross bite, the upper teeth are in a position behind of the lower teeth. This type of alteration is characterized by the presence of a deep and narrow palate.

In the cross bite, the patient will have problems when biting, the teeth cannot perform the forces adequately and this can cause damage to the tooth itself, the soft tissues and the structures involved.

The fit that occurs of the teeth when the patient closes the oral cavity is what is called by dentists fundamental occlusion for a good functioning of the stomatognathic system, one of the areas that orthodontic specialists occupy is the optimal occlusion of the teeth. upper teeth with lower teeth, therefore, the orthodontist will be in charge of assessing and solving crossbites.


Among the main reasons why a crossbite occurs are genetics and alteration of the jaw or maxilla. Although another cause involved is delayed exfoliation of temporary teeth, so permanent teeth have no choice but to erupt in a second row, this can happen on one side of the arch or on both sides of the arch. Patients who are oral breathers also present this type of alteration since the potion of the tongue will not be adequate.

What is skeletal crossbite? This type of bite develops as a consequence of the patient’s having a smaller jaw (upper arch), which causes the upper teeth to be positioned behind the lower teeth, since the lower arch has correct dimensions. In the dental pattern crossbites, both the maxilla and the mandible are in a correct situation, but on the contrary the teeth present an inclination towards the lower arch, remaining behind it, and finally a mix of skeletal and dental can be given. coming together. In addition to this classification, the crossbite is divided into three types: anterior, when it only affects anterior teeth; posterior, when the posterior teeth are affected; and unilateral, when the crossbite only takes place on one side, either right or left.

The crossbite appears at any age in infants, various causes are related such as:

  • Digital sucking habit
  • In babies, sleeping on the same side or when breastfeeding does not intersperse the sides in the feedings
  • Improper tongue placement
  • Oral respirators

For this reason, it is advisable to go to the orthodontist or general dentist from a very young age, since, if the dental malocclusion is not corrected, in the long run these bite alterations can affect the development and growth of the tooth. facial structure and favor in the future the appearance of dental, muscular, bone and joint problems.


Depending on the location of this malocclusion, the crossbite can be classified into anterior crossbite or posterior crossbite, and this can occur in a single tooth or several teeth.

So we could classify it in the following points:

  • Anterior cross bite. It affects the anterior teeth of the mouth, from canine to canine.
  • Posterior cross bite. It affects the posterior teeth, premolars and molars.
  • Unilateral cross bite. It affects only one side of the dental arch.
  • Bilateral cross bite. It affects both sides of the dental arch.

Regarding the origin, the crossbite can be differentiated into:

  • Dental cross bite. The jaws are in their correct position, but the teeth are tilted inward.
  • Skeletal cross bite. The upper jaw is smaller than the mandible.
  • Dental cross bite. Both of the above problems occur simultaneously.


The treatment of crossed mordica should be an early treatment to avoid an alteration of the correct growth and facial development and increase the possibility of future bone, dental, muscular, joint and functional problems causing facial and aesthetic asymmetry. The treatment of crossbite is focused on restoring adequate muscle function to avoid recurrence of the crossbite is one of our therapeutic objectives.

It is of great importance to correct the crossbite. Here are the main reasons for correcting a crossbite, whether it is a posterior crossbite or anterior crossbite:

  • Adverse wear of the occlusion
  • Asymmetric jaw growth
  • Crossbite tends to worsen over time
  • Collapse of the dentition due to incorrect forces.
  • Presence of an unstable bite.
  • Aesthetic conditions.

For the treatment of crossbite it is important to do it as soon as the malocclusion is diagnosed, in this way the treatment will be faster and easier.

For children, who are in a growing season, the ideal treatment is usually interceptive orthodontics, it consists of a type of orthodontics that aims to promote the correct growth of the bones. A device called an expander would be used, which is fixed on the palate and progressively widens every day with the help of a key and for a period that can range between one and two months, with which we would be able to expand the maxilla in order to widen the palate improving the bite and the growth of the maxilla and mandible. Once the palate has expanded, it is left fixed for three months so that the bone remains in that position. at the same time, it is necessary to correct the bad habits of the child so that there is no recurrence.

Treatment for adults is somewhat more complicated as the growth and development of bone position has finished. The consequences of the crossbite have to be evaluated and treated with orthodontics. In very severe cases of crossbite that have caused deviations of the maxilla or the patient has a very narrow palate, orthodontic treatment should be combined with surgical treatment, surgery called “SARPE” to achieve expansion of the palate.

At Smile Care Plymouth we will help you solve the presence of a cross bite, do not hesitate to do it with our orthodontic specialist and remember that the cross bite the sooner it is treated, the more benefits it will have and the easier it will be to uncross this bite.


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